A downloadable game for Windows

This is the DungeonShift demo game for Dungeon Crawler Jam 2023. It was made by 5 discord friends. That's a story about an explorer who enters the lost dungeon to find a portal to another world. He owns the Shifter, a device that can put its owner back in time and forth. 

You can move by pressing W and S, turning by A and D, strafing left and right by pressing Q or E and shifting in time by pressing Spacebar. You can also use mouse to look around but only around your forward direction. Left mouse button click for attack and interact with the objects.

To exit from the level you must find two keys, one in present timeline and another in past time. You can find them by fighting monsters. Then find a portal and you will be free in a bright future.

The dungeon is randomly generated every time, so you will have a rich experience in exploring it.

Hope you enjoy our game.


DC Jam2023.rar 45 MB

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